Vintage swimwear in the past and nowadays
You don’t have to come to my village to buy vintage swimwear, as they are not familiar with it. Although the biggest part of the inhabitants has a glass fibre connection, vintage clothing is simply old-fashioned here. If someone would have the courage to go outside in a vintage top, it would be talk of the town pretty soon!
Vintage swimwear on the street?
In Brazil, where people are used to high temperatures, it’s quite normal to go outside in your bathing suit, provided that you cover it with a skirt or short. As temperatures are rising here, you hardly don’t see anyone outside in the streets anymore. People escape to the supermarket, to complain about the hot temperatures while enjoying the airco, or go to the swimming pool, which is so stocked that your beautiful vintage bathing suit won’t attract any attention at all.
Vintage swimwear don’t give you a good tan
Dutchman are simply not very interested in swimwear, i suppose because we don’t have many sunny days. And if we are lucky and get a sunny day, we like to get a tan as soon as possible. For this reason, I suppose, bikinis are still very popular. The smaller, the better. Preferably we wear an ultra-short bikini bottom, as long as we don’t have to walk in it. For this reason the Brazilian bikini bottom is extremely popular compared to vintage bathing suits and tankini’s, which usually cover a main part of your body. However, there is a difference between stylish and styleless, which doesn’t need any further explanation. Anyone who has been on the beach before will recognize it. An elderly lady once told me: “sometimes a bathing suit looks better:)”.
Covered with vintage swimwear
The charm of vintage swimwear? It covers a main part of your body. Both the bathing suits and the bikinis from the fifties cover much more belly, buttocks and breasts than the Kim Kardeshian triangles. Good news for the Dutch women, as the average Dutch woman has size 42/44 and might need some support.
For this reason Vintage swimwear is a very popular alternative to the old-fashioned bathing suit. If you feel aged in a traditional bathing suit, you will feel a pin-up in a vintage bathing suit. Anyone who doubts between a Brazilian bikini bottom, a tankini or a bathing dress, should check the vintage bathing suit collection. They have something unique which can be described. Is it nostalgia? Or is it the movie star style which characterizes a two-piece bathing suit à la Marilyn Monroe or Betty Page?